Reprise des billets Yellowstone, interrompus par un festival bayday qui aura duré un peu plus longtemps que prévu… non mais qui tombe en panne le vendredi soir d'avant Pâques ? Merci le petit Jésus… Enfin, j'y aurais eu mes œufs en sucre, attrapé un lézard, vu une anguille, exterminé la population marine comestible, et été dans une pizzeria. Et, quand j'ai enfin pu rentrer (mercredi…), je suis arrivée pile à l'heure pour Poirot. Je crois que j'ai vu s'exaucer tous mes désirs, formulés à haute voix ou pensés par hasard. Et ça me fait une transition toute trouvée pour cette série de photo, puisque le problème de bagnole a commencé par de forts relents d'acide, et une batterie se prenant pour une terre volcanique avec ses fumeroles :

Back to my Yellowstone blogging, which got interrupted by a comic convention that lasted longer than planned… who the hell gets a car breakdown on friday evening before Easter? Thanks for nothing, Jesus. Well at least, I got my sugar eggs, catched a lizard, saw an eel, exterminated all edible marine life, and went to a pizzeria. And on wednesday when the car was repaired, I made it home just in time for Poirot. So all in all, I think pretty much all of my desires came true, expressed aloud or just in my head. Anyway, I couldn't have imagined a better transition for the upcoming photo serie, since the car problem started with a strong acid smell, and a battery acting as a volcanic landscape with its two little fumaroles.

A wapiti grazing by the shores of Yellowstone lake on a sunny morning
A wapiti grazing by the shores of Yellowstone lake on a sunny morning A bubbling mud pot on a sunny day
Purple heath and bubbling mud pots on a sunny day
Bubbling mud pot with odd round corners and crackled hearth
A mud pot shaped like a dinosaur foot track
Layers of mud on the edge of a mud pot
A bubbling acid pool
Fuming wave in the midst of a mud pot A single pine tree on a hill Overview of a small acid lake by a sunny day
Visible animal tracks next to a crackled mud pool
A river stream and mountains far away under a stormy sky
A glorious buffalo grazing in a meadow under a stormy sky

Artist Point / Lower Falls

Je dois avouer que j'ai bien ri toute seule devant cette multitude de couleurs déversées sur les parois, que j'ai mitraillée en me disant que ça ferait de la doc pour G*******, coloriste de bayday qui ne conçoit pas le mélange de couleurs sur les éléments et est passé maître dans l'art de composer des tenues monochromes, sentai-style (pourquoi ??) J'ai moins ri devant les coustiques, tho.

I must confess that I had a good laugh in front of all these colors spilled randomly all over the cliffs, which I figured I could shoot to death as documentation for G*******, who does colors on comics. I suppose it would bother him greatly because the man cannot conceive using more than one color per element in his extraordinary monochromatic habits, to the point where even characters end up with some sort of color schemes, sentai-style (why??). Billions of mosquitoes again, sadly.

Multi-colored hoodoos in pinks and yellows in a sunny canyon Multi-colored hoodoos in pinks and yellows in a sunny canyon with a waterfall in the background
Waterfall in a canyon A yellow and pink canyon on a sunny day
Hoodoos in the shade before a canyon full of yellow and pink rocks

Je vous laisse donc sur ces images dignes d'un bon Blueberry. La prochaine fois, ce sera illust, ou Lolita ! / I leave you with these pics worthy of a good ol' Blueberry. Next time, either illustration, either loli-stuff!

nowunfollowing : every individual caught posting GoT spoilers at least twice.